Pelalawan, Riau, 15 March 2023 – In order to support the Government’s efforts to prevent and reduce stunting rates, Asian Agri and Tanoto Foundation signed a joint commitment with the Government of Pelalawan Regency, located at the 3rd floor Auditorium of the Pelalawan Regent’s Office, Riau Province.
The joint commitment signed by the Deputy Regent of Pelalawan who is also the Head of the Team for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction (TPPS), H. Nasarudin, together with the Group Manager of PT Inti Indosawit Subur (Asian Agri) Buatan Plantation, Gatot Sibuea.
In this activity to prevent and reduce stunting rates in Pelalawan Regency, Posyandu cadres training will be carried out with the Family Assistance Team (TPK) together with the Asian Agri and Tanoto Foundation team in three (3) villages in Pelalawan Regency, namely Delik Village, Lalangkabung Village, and Pelalawan Village. The TPK will be tasked with conducting counseling to mothers and expectant mothers, facilitating referral services, as well as facilitating the provision of social assistance and conducting monitoring of target families who are at risk of stunting.
The Deputy Regent of Pelalawan, H. Nasarudin, said that stunting prevention is a National program of the Republic of Indonesia, which requires collaboration from the Government and stakeholders, including the private sector. “We really appreciate Asian Agri and Tanoto Foundation’s steps for their commitment to helping suppress stunting in Pelalawan Regency, especially in Delik Village, Lalangkabung Village, and Pelalawan Village. Through this collaboration, we hope to accelerate the reduction in the stunting rate in Pelalawan Regency. We hope that all companies in the Pelalawan Regency area will actively participate in implementing this program,” he said.
Gatot Sibuea, Group Manager of PT Inti Indosawit Subur (Asian Agri) Buatan Estate said that the commitment to support the Government’s efforts to prevent stunting is a manifestation of the company’s 5C principles, which is good for the community.
“The signing of this joint agreement is a form of our commitment in terms of stunting prevention. Through this collaboration with the Regional Government of Pelalawan Regency and Tanoto Foundation, we hope to be able to assist the Government’s efforts to reduce stunting rates in Pelalawan Regency. Through this joint effort, we hope to continue to provide benefits to the community, especially those around the company’s operational areas,” Gatot added.
On the same occasion, there is also an inauguration of the Heads of Generation Planning (Genre) for Districts, Villages and Sub-Districts in Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. With this inauguration, it is hoped that education to the public about stunting prevention can go well and the stunting rate, especially in Pelalawan Regency, can decrease.

Photo Caption (left to right), Photo with Head of Pelalawan District DP3AP2KB, Prima Merdekawati, Head of PKK of Pelalawan District, Sella Pitaloka Zukri, Deputy Regent of Pelalawan H. Nasarudin, Group Manager of PT. Inti Indosawit Subur Gatot Sibuea, and Head of Riau Province BKKBN Representative, Mardalena Wati Yulia, when signing a joint commitment to prevent and reduce stunting in Pelalawan Regency (15/3/2023).
About Asian Agri:
Asian Agri is one of Indonesia’s largest palm oil producers. Founded in 1979, the company today manages 100,000 hectares of plantation land and employs over 20,000 people. A pioneer of the Indonesian government’s Trans-National Government Migration (PIR-Trans) program, Asian Agri currently works with 30,000 Plasma Scheme smallholders in Riau and Jambi who operate 60,000 hectares of palm oil plantations, and independent smallholders who manage a total 41,000 hectares.
Implementing a strict “no burn” policy since 1994 and best practices in sustainable plantation management, Asian Agri has helped its smallholder partners improve productivity, yield and supply chain traceability, while assisting them obtain certifications. The company’s mills are technologically advanced and energy self-sufficient, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.
All business units of Asian Agri has the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO). Currently, all Asian Agri’s plantations in North Sumatra, Riau & Jambi provinces and Plasma Scheme smallholder plantations in Riau & Jambi provinces have been 100% RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certified. In addition, ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) has been achieved by all plantations owned by Asian Agri and the smallholders it supports.
The company’s operations are ISO 14001 certified, while its Learning Institute and nursery research center in Pelalawan, Riau province, Indonesia are both ISO 9001 certified. Asian Agri’s laboratory at the Center for Research and Development in Tebing Tinggi is accredited by the National Accreditation Committee under the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC MRA).
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Corporate Communications Asian Agri