Asian Agri is committed to social and economic development of the areas in which we operate.
For this reason, we worked with a consultant to identify and prioritise the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) goals to focus on, which is data-driven and considered various factors, including Indonesia’s development needs and agenda and relevance to Asian Agri’s business.
The identified goals and targets are classified into two areas, namely Core and Catalytic:
- Core refers to goals Asian Agri considers central to the nature of our business and operations;
- Catalytic refers to goals Asian Agri considers of high need that are above and beyond our business operations.

Five SDG goals that are central to Asian Agri’s business and operations. Our day-to-day work has a direct and positive impact in these areas.

These are areas of high need that are outside our direct operations. Asian Agri works to achieve these goals through our CSR programs, and by partnering with others to serve a catalyst for positive change.

Targets that are not a direct focus, but that Asian Agri has historically had a strong contribution to through our activities