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Residents of Lubuk Terap Village, Merlung District,Tanjabar take advantage from the Lubuk Terap Hanging Bridge that has been repaired by PT. Inti Indosawit Subur (PT.IIS) in 2017.

Previously, the condition of the bridge was badly damaged and could not be used by residents. As PT. IIS saw the need to repair the bridge that is used by villagers to distribute agriculture products to the nearest market, the company took the initiative to do a total renovation in 2017. Since then, there are hundred residents use this hanging bridge every day.

“Like other residents, I use the bridge to get the rubber commodity across the river every day so that I can transport and sell it quickly to support my family”, said Eko Budi Santoso, one of the rubber planters from Lubuk Terap Village.

According to Eko, before the renovation, people had to cross the river using a crossing raft. “We are grateful that this bridge has improved, so it is now very easy for us to go to work and transfer our yield from the plantation across the river”, Eko added.


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