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Tebo Regional Police gave awards to the three companies in Tebo area, Jambi Province, because they have actively participated in realizing the “Desa Tangguh Pangan” program.

The award was presented at the event of Joint Declaration of the Village of Tangguh Karhutla, Tangguh Pangan, Tangguh Narkoba. This activity aimed at reaching out to the village community and companies to support Tebo District Police program to succeed the “TANGGUH (Orderly, Safe, Comfortable, Friendly, Joyful, Superior, Harmony) NUSANTARA program”.

One of the awards was given to PT Rigunas Agri Utama (Asian Agri) for its participation in preventing forest and land from fire through the Fire-Free Village (DBA) Program under the supervision of Asian Agri.

“We thank the company for making the forest and land fire management program (karhutla) and also for fostering the community engagement in under the” Fire-Free Village” Program as initiated by PT RAU. This is an example for other companies in Tebo Regency”, said Tebo Police Chief, AKBP Abdul Hafidz S.Ik., M.Si. on June 16, 2020.


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