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By March 1, 2021No Comments

The partnership experience in the past cycle of oil palm planting is a strong consideration for the management of KUD Manunggal Jaya in Merlung, Jambi to continue their cooperation with Asian Agri in managing their oil palm plantations.

“We have gained the benefits of partnering with Asian Agri through the first generation of oil palm plants. Now, we are continuing our partnership for second generation crops. We hope that the productivity of this second generation of plants will be better than before,” said the Chairman of Manunggal Jaya Cooperative, Muhtar.

The Manunggal Jaya Village Unit Cooperative (KUD), which is supervised by PT Inti Indosawit Subur (Asian Agri), conducts an oil palm regeneration by felling old oil palm trunks on February 19, 2021. The event held at Adipurwa Village, Merlung District, West Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province, was to mark the replanting of community oil palm plantations covering an area of 226.22 hectares.

Head of Adipurwa Village, Bambang Purwanto, the Chairman of Manunggal Jaya Cooperative, H. Muhtar, representatives of management of PT Inti Indosawit Subur (Asian Agri), Puji L. Sitompul, and all heads of oil palm farmer groups under Manunggal Jaya Cooperative were present at the commencement of the replanting program.

Read the complete news in Jambi Daily.



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